Saturday 19 January 2013

Nian Gao 传统年糕 (Chinese steamed New Year sticky cake)


Nian Gao (Chinese steamed New Year sticky cake)-makes 3 cakes
Glutinous Rice flour 500g
Water 500ml
Sugar 600g
Cooking oil 2tbsp
Banana leaves - soften it by blanched in hot water

1. Line banana leaves on the steaming bowl.
2. Place the glutinous rice flour in a large bowl, mix in sugar (500g), oil and water. Stir the mixture till sugar dissolved.
3. In another pot, cook the balance sugar (100g) till became golden syrup.
4. Pour golden syrup into flour mixture, and the syrup will form into curd, don’t worry, continue stir until syrup dissolved in the mixture (Be careful when you pour the syrup, it will spill !)
5. Strain the mixture and pour the mixture in steaming bowl.
6. Steam cake over high flame for 1 hour, and turn to low flame for 4 hours. Make sure the water does not dry up, refill hot water from time to time.


糯米粉 500 克(g)
水 500 毫升(ml)
糖 600 克( 分开 500克 , 100克)
食油 2 汤匙

1. 将香蕉叶垫在蒸的容器里。
2. 在糯米粉放进一个大碗内 ,然后加500 克的糖,食油和水搅拌均匀,直到所有糖溶解。
3. 把另外100克的糖放在另一个锅煮成金黄色的糖浆(syrup)。
4. 再将糖浆倒入第2项的面糊内搅动,当倒进糖浆时,糖浆将会凝固在面糊里成块状,我们必须一直将搅动,直到所有的糖浆和面糊混合成一体为止。
5. 把第4项的面糊用筛子过滤,然后倒进蒸碗内,再放进大锅里蒸熟。
6. 用大火蒸煮1个小时后,再改用小火,继续蒸4个小时。期间要不停加入热水。

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