Tuesday 8 January 2013

Mango sticky rice

mango on sticky rice
1  ripe mango – Peel and slice the mango.

Sticky Rice:
1  cup  Sticky Rice (glutinous rice)

The  Traditional Method Using a Steamer:
Rinse then soak the sticky rice in enough water to cover the rice  for at least an hour or overnight. Steam the sticky rice for about 20 minutes and will become translucent when done.

The Microwave Method: 
Rinse then soak the sticky rice for 10 minutes in warm water in a bowl.  The water level should be just above the rice, which comes out to be 1  cup of rice and a little over 1 cup of water (about 10% more). Cover the glass bowl with a dish and cook in  microwave for at full power 3 minutes. Stir the rice around to move the rice from the top to the  bottom. Some of the rice is translucent or cooked and some still has white  center or uncooked portion.

Heat it up again for another 3 minutes. Check and see if it is done. When cooked, all the rice  should be translucent. If it needs more cooking, heat up again and check every 3  minutes or so.

Coconut Milk:

1  cup coconut milk (I used Kara coconut cream)

2  pinches salt

2 tablespoons sugar (I reduced to 1 tablespoon)

Heat the coconut milk in a pot over medium heat. Stir  constantly and let the coconut milk simmer. Add sugar and  salt. Remove from heat.

Putting the sticky rice and coconut milk together:

Pour 3/4 of the hot coconut milk over the hot sticky rice. Let it sit for 5  minutes. The hot sticky rice will absorb all the coconut milk and should be a little mushy.

Place the sticky rice on a small plate and the sliced mango beside the rice.  Spoon the remaining coconut milk on top of the mango and sticky rice.


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