25g egg white (approximately one medium egg)
30g castor sugar
30g plain flour
20g unsalted butter
90g toasted white sesame seeds
Make: 36 crisps (2cm diameter)
- Thaw egg white till room temperature
- Sieve plain flour twice
- Melt butter with double boil method. Put butter in a small bowl, transfer to a sauce pan with water. Heat the pan with medium flame until the butter melts. Set aside to cool down.
- Line baking tray with grease proof paper.
- Put white sesame seeds in a non-stick pan and dry fry (without oil) with a wooden spoon over a medium-low heat until they are fragrant.
- Preheat oven at 170°C.
- In a mixing bowl, whisk egg white (with a hand whisk) until you see white bubbles. Add in sugar and beat in circular movement until the sugar dissolves.
- Stir in melted butter and mix well.
- Add in flour (all at once) and mix till no traces of flour and lump-free.
- Add in toasted sesame seeds, use a spatula to fold in until the mixture is well combined. You will find the mixture is dry and sticky. That’s the correct texture you need.
- Spoon 1/3 or ½ tablespoon of mixture on the baking tray. Spread out into a round shape (about 2cm diameter) using a fork. (refer to note 1)
- Bake at 170°C for 8-10 minutes or until golden brown and crispy. Rotating the baking tray towards the last 2 minutes.
- Remove from the oven, leave to cool and then store into an air-tight container.
- The layer must be thin and even (no overlapping of seeds) so that it will be very crispy. Wet the fork lightly to avoid mixture sticking on it and easy spreading.
- You may need to bake these crisps in 3-4 rounds. The unbaked mixture can be left in the room temperature.
- Be careful not to overbake the crisps. If not, the sesame seeds will be burnt
- Use hand whisk from step 1-3 and spatula in step 4 only.
- If the crisps turn soft, you can reheat them for 2-3 minutes at 160°C in a preheated oven.
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