Tuesday 8 January 2013

Homemade Tofu - Pan Fried Crispy Tofu Nuggets


1 slab of homemade tofu ( refer to previous post ) cut into long thick nuggets

Ingredients :
200gm fish paste
2 squares soft tofu
2 tubes japanese tofu
2 tbsp cornflour
2 egss,
salt and pepper to taste

To prepare homemade tofu:
Blend all ingredients in a food processor into a smooth paste.

Pour the paste into a large oiled pan ( you can use cling wrap to line your pan ) Steam for 20 minutes.

Remove and set aside to cool. Cut to the size you desire.

Coating flour :

crispy flour / potato flour

sesame seed

cheyenne pepper to taste

( mix the above coating flour ingredients together)

1 egg white - whisk with a pich of salt + pepper

grapeseed oil - enough for pan frying


Dust the tofu nuggets with potato flour/ crispy flour , dip in the egg white and coat with the coating flour mixture.
Place the coated tofu into the hot grapeseed oil in a non-stick pan , far apart so that they don't stick together. Pan fry them under medium heat. Flip over the other side when it is slightly golden in color.
Dish up and place them in paper towel to absorb the extra oil from the tofu.
Serve with wasabi or any hot chilli dips of your choice.

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