Thursday 10 January 2013

Roasted Satay Chicken

Roasted Satay Chicken 烤沙嗲鸡

2 drumsticks, or 3 chicken wings; [marinade]
2 tsp grated ginger, with the juice retained;
1 clove garlic, very finely minced;
2tsp curry powder;
dash of turmeric, red pepper and coriander powder;
1tsp soy sauce;
1/2 tsp brown sugar;
squirts of honey;
lemongrass, bottom white parts, bruised ;
1tsp canola oil;
sea salt

Marinate chicken, chill in fridge overnight or for at least 2 hrs in advance.

When ready to cook, remove marinated chicken from the fridge.

Pre-heat oven 375F. In the meantime, line baking dish tray and lightly oil the lined baking dish/tray.

Place the marinated chicken on the dish/tray, then roast in the overn for 375F, about 35-40 minutes (if chicken wings, about 20-30mins, depending on size of chicken).

For the first 20 minutes, roast with a foil covering the chicken so that the chicken do not get burnt (and dry up) easily.

Then, remove the foil and continue to roast for the remaining 15-20 minutes.

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